tool implement中文什么意思

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  1. Each tool implements the merging of branches a little differently
  2. Note that uml allows users to redefine the icon for a stereotype , but few tools implement this feature
    注意, uml允许用户重新定义构造型的图标,但是很少有工具支持这一特性。
  3. Tomosada also produces aluminum screeds , super fresno trowels and other fine tools implementing innovative design improvements to make plastering and floor work easier
  4. While there is much similarity in how the tools implement this framework , it s important to understand the underlying mechanisms in order to appreciate the trade - offs of each approach
  5. The b3g test tools implement high speed ( above gigabit bps ) data transmission using aurora protocol of xilinx . the b3g test tools save the high - speed data into ddr sdram and send the data to personal computer
    B3g测试工具基于aurora协议实现了高速数据流(传输速率为gbps )的传输,数据先保存在ddr内存中,再通过串口将数据传送到计算机上,以便对数据进行分析。


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